The BCCA promotes and provides certification in clinical anaplastology for the enhancement of patient care and professional practice.

Training in Clinical Anaplastology

Training in Anaplastology
Clinical Anaplastology is a dynamic field and, like other practices in medicine, it evolves as patient needs evolve and as the availability of new technologies and materials enable improvements in standard practises as well as new solutions to meet patient needs.
What remains as a constant is the competency and professionalism of the Certified Clinical Anaplastologist. Given the wide range of services patient who have lost a part of their body require, there are several educational pathways to becoming an anaplastologist. See what those pathways are here. Once the core educational foundation is acquired, the clinical skills and experience working with patients, required to produce the portfolio part of the CCA application, can be obtained by working under the guidance of experienced professional.
The BCCA does not approve or accredit educational programs designed to prepare individuals for certification.
Suggested anaplastology training programs currently available in the United States and elsewhere
Clinical Anaplastology Master of Science (MS) - FULL TIME
Baltimore, Maryland, United States - Johns Hopkins University - Department of Art as Applied to Medicine
Contact: Juan Garcia, Director
Maxillofacial & Craniofacial Technology - Master of Science (MSc) - FULL TIME
London, England, United Kingdom - King's College London
Contact: Trevor Coward, Course Leader
Maxillofacial Prosthetic Rehabilitation - Master of Science (MSc) - DISTANCE LEARNING
London, England, United Kingdom - King's College London
Contact: Trevor Coward, Course Leader
Clinical Sciences (Reconstructive Sciences) - Master of Science (MSc) - FULL TIME (NHS)
United Kingdom - Joint program between Manchester Metropolitan University & King’s College London
MSc Clinical Science - Reconstructive Science is designed to develop Healthcare Scientists with specialization in restorative intra & extraoral prosthetics. It is part of a 3-year Scientist Training Program (STP), which includes an NHS work placement. ​
Dental Laboratory Maxillofacial C School - Certificate of Completion
Bethesda, Maryland, United State - Walter Reed National Military Medical Center - Naval Postgraduate Dental School
(civilians not eligible)