The BCCA promotes and provides certification in clinical anaplastology for the enhancement of patient care and professional practice.

The Scope of Clinical Anaplastology
A Certified Clinical Anaplastologist is qualified and permitted to offer any or all of the following services to patients including the designing, fabrication and dispensing:
Consultation with patient upon referral from a physician
Surgical attendance as consult for surgeon
Custom Made Facial Prostheses
​Nasal prosthesis
Midfacial prosthesis
Orbital prosthesis
Upper facial prosthesis
Hemi-facial prosthesis
Auricular prosthesis
Partial facial prosthesis
Nasal septal prosthesis
Unspecified maxillofacial prosthesis, by report
Osseointegrated implant retained facial
Ocular (Eye) Prostheses
Prosthetic eye, custom
Polishing/resurfacing of ocular prosthesis
Enlargement of ocular prosthesis
Reduction of ocular prosthesis
Scleral cover shell fabrication and fitting of ocular conformer
Somatic (Body) Prostheses
Breast Prostheses
External breast prosthesis pre-made
External partial breast prosthesis pre-made
Breast prosthesis, silicone or equal
Custom breast prosthesis, post-mastectomy, molded to patient model
Breast prosthesis, not otherwise specified
Nipple Prosthesis, custom-made
Nipple Prosthesis, pre-made
Hand and Finger Prostheses
Hand prosthesis
Finger prosthesis
Hand or glove, thumb or one finger remaining
Partial hand w/glove, multiple fingers remaining
Partial hand restoration, multiple fingers remaining
Hand restoration/replacement for above
Upper extremity prosthesis, not otherwise specified
Suction Sockets
Foot Prostheses
Suction fit toe prosthesis
Lower extremity prosthesis, not otherwise specified
Partial Foot Prosthesis
A realistic silicone partial foot prosthesis is done by a certified Prosthetist, Orthotist or Pedorthist with the skills to achieve realism through training in anaplastology or done by a Certified Clinical Anaplastologist in collaboration with a Certified Prosthetist, Orthotist or Pedorthist.
Other Soft Tissue Fillers and Covers and Protective Devices
Custom made to fit according to location and configuration of defect
Other Medical Appliances
Tracheostoma custom housing for speaking valve
Surgical planning template for osseo-integrated implant placement for facial prostheses
Osseo-integrated infrastructure for external implant retention of facial prostheses
Burn Mask