The BCCA promotes and provides certification in clinical anaplastology for the enhancement of patient care and professional practice.

The Scope of Clinical Anaplastology

Clinical Fabricators
A Certified Clinical Anaplastologist (CCA) works directly with a patient upon a referral from a physician. After a consultation the CCA will devise a treatment plan for the best prosthetic design. A custom made prosthesis is molded to patient anatomy. The CCA has the expertise to create a life like and anatomially correct prosthetic restoration that simulates the anatomical feature the patient has lost.
Clinical Anaplastologists are point of care (POC) manufacturers who use art and technology to provide custom made patient specific external facial and body prostheses.
Facial Prostheses
The Certified Clinical Anaplastologist scope of practice includes the following types of facial prostheses.

Orbital Prosthesis

Nose prosthesis with magnets on back surface that will connect with osseo integrated implants

Ear Prosthesis

Nose prosthesis

Orbital Nasal Maxillary Prsthesis

Orbital Prosthesis

Orbital Prosthesis

Describe your image.

Ear Prosthesis
Ocular Prostheses
The Certified Clinical Anaplastologist scope of practice includes the following types of custom ocular prostheses.

Ocular Prosthesis

Ocular Prosthesis

Back of a Ocular Prosthesis

Ocular Prosthesis

Ocular Prosthesis

Ocular Prosthesis
Finger and Hand Prostheses
Somatic Body Prostheses
The Certified Clinical Anaplastologist scope of practice includes the following types of body prostheses.

Finger Prosthesis

Finger Prosthesis

Partial Hand Prosthesis

Finger prosthesis with an acrylic nail

Prosthetic Hand

Partial Hand Prosthesis
Toe and Foot Prostheses

Restoring the length and shape of the big and second toe restores stability to the foot. A realistic silicone partial foot prosthesis is done by a certified Prosthetist, Orthotist or Pedorthist with the skills to achieve realism through training in anaplastology or done by a Certified Clinical Anaplastologist in collaboration with a Certified Prosthetist, Orthotist or Pedorthist."

Restoring the length of the big toe restores stability to the foot and it can be used barefoot and in shoes.

A toe prosthesis for the 3rd toe keeps the remaining toes in place and prevents them from shifting medially into the empty space.

Using a silicone toe prosthesis that can be used without shoes helps prevent further problems occurring in the foot.

A silicone partial foot prosthesis can be realistic and made to use with sandals which enables the user to use the prosthesis more often. A realistic silicone partial foot prosthesis is done by a certified Prosthetist, Orthotist or Pedorthist with the skills to achieve realism through training in anaplastology or done by a Certified Clinical Anaplastologist in collaboration with a Certified Prosthetist, Orthotist or Pedorthist."

Silicone toe prostheses are made to have a natural appearance as well as restore function to the foot

Realistic toe prostheses can be made to restore any number of toes that are missing.

Partial foot prostheses can restore function by increasing stability to the foot and when used in sandals that cover the edge, the prosthesis will restore the appearance of the foot as well. A realistic silicone partial foot prosthesis is done by a certified Prosthetist, Orthotist or Pedorthist with the skills to achieve realism through training in anaplastology or done by a Certified Clinical Anaplastologist in collaboration with a Certified Prosthetist, Orthotist or Pedorthist."

A full foot prosthesis enable the user to feel less self conscious about their appearance. A realistic silicone partial foot prosthesis is done by a certified Prosthetist, Orthotist or Pedorthist with the skills to achieve realism through training in anaplastology or done by a Certified Clinical Anaplastologist in collaboration with a Certified Prosthetist, Orthotist or Pedorthist."
Custom Breast and Nipple Prostheses

Custom breast prostheses restore the appearance and remain in place because they fit the user`s anatomy

A custom breast prosthesis can be made any size and shape.

Custom made breast prostheses are an alternative to surgical reconstruction.
Other Anaplastology Devices
The Certified Clinical Anaplastologist scope of practice includes the following types of custom devices.
Other Anaplastology Devices

Custom surgical template to guide placement for osseo-integrated implants.

Custom made face guard.

Custom made cranial implant.