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Preparing the Portfolio Included in the Candidate Application 


Using the BCCA Portfolio Template

Portfolios must follow the portfolio requirements and should not include more photographs or less photographs than is required. An incomplete portfolio may delay acceptance to write the exam and may also lead to the candidate to not be accepted.


To make it easier for a candidate to complete the portfolio submission without errors the BCCA has developed a slide deck that we are asking all candidates to use to prepare their portfolio. The template clearly states the type of information that must be placed on each slide. By completing the template, the candidate knows the portfolio submitted is complete according to requirements.




All candidates who plan to submit an application to sit for the exam for Certification in Clinical Anaplastology must include a portfolio showing photographs of completed prostheses along with documentation for each patient case as part of the application.


For an overview of all the material that must be included in the application see the Application Overview page and the Candidates Handbook.


Download and Complete a Portfolio Template

To make it easier for candidates who use different operating systems or who may not have certain software programs,  we have prepared the Portfolio Template in using an open source slide software Impress  through Libre Office


Click on  a Portfolio Template and download it. Complete the template and include a PDF version of the completed template as part of the application.

Portfolio Template - for Mac OS Keynote  please contact for a receive an emailed  copy

©2020 Board For Certification in Clinical Anaplastology 
6708 Senecca Lane, Sykesville, MD 21784

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