The BCCA promotes and provides certification in clinical anaplastology for the enhancement of patient care and professional practice.
Preparing the Application to Sit the Exam
Please click here to view the next deadline for CCA Applications. This information can also be found by clicking on the "News and Important Deadlines" button on the homepage of the BCCA site.
For more details on the examination dates, corresponding application deadlines, fees and refund deadlines please see the News and Important Deadline Dates page.
Application requirements for the CCA examination
CCA Application for Eligibility Consists of 3 Forms
General Information (Sections 1 -4)
Appropriate Pathway Application (Section 5)
Non refundable Fee for Application for Eligibility (Check or money order for $300 made to BCCA or by credit card payment with our secure online payment
Official school transcripts for mandatory coursework and the conferring of the Masters or Bachelor degree
Evaluation of foreign education by is required to be sent directly to the BCCA
Supervisor Practice Form
Clinical Cases Portfolio submission using the CCA Portfolio Template
(See Standards for Initial Certification for the required photographs to be included in the portfolio) -
Patient Information Release Forms
Signed Application Attestation
CCA Examination Registration Form
CCA Examination Registration Fee (Check or money order made to BCCA or credit card payment)
Request for Special Accommodations Form (if applicable)