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The International Anaplastology Association serves as an "Information Center" to unite those specialties involved in anatomical restorations and to encourage understanding and acceptance of facial and somato prosthetics among all health care specialties worldwide.

The International Anaplastology Association serves as an "Information Center" to unite those specialties involved in anatomical restorations and to encourage understanding and acceptance of facial and somato prosthetics among all health care specialties worldwide.

AboutFace is a charitable organization providing support and advice to individuals with facial differences and generate as much public awareness and understanding of what living with a facial difference means to those affected. 

The Journal of Facial and Somato Prosthetics provided new and timely information for the professional in the fields of facial prosthetics, prosthetic materials, artificial limb prosthetics, ocular prosthetics, surgical preparation for prosthetics, prosthetic education, and computer applications in prosthetics from 1995 to 2004. Though publication has been suspended, full sets of the 10 years of back issues and individual copies are still available.

Formerly known as the National Organization of Competency Assurance (NOCA), the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE) advances credentialing through education, standards, research, and advocacy to ensure competence across professions and occupations.


©2020 Board For Certification in Clinical Anaplastology 
6708 Senecca Lane, Sykesville, MD 21784

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