The BCCA promotes and provides certification in clinical anaplastology for the enhancement of patient care and professional practice.

Eligibility for Becoming a CCA
Pathways through which to qualify for CCA
All of the documents and application forms referred to on this site can be found on the page BCCA PDFs. Information may change and forms are periodically updated so applicants must make reference to the BCCA PDFs page to be sure they are using updated application forms and have accurate information documents.
PATHWAY 1: Candidates Graduating From Anaplastology Educational Programs
PATHWAY 2: Candidates With An Advanced Medical Degree
PATHWAY 3: Candidates With A Clinical Credential in a Field Related to Anaplastology
PATHWAY 4: Candidates With A Bachelor Degree
PATHWAY 5: Candidates Who Are Long-Term Practitioners
Please click here to view the next deadline for CCA Applications. This information can also be found by clicking on the "News and Important Deadlines" button on the homepage of the BCCA site.
The application process consists of completing the general application form (Sections 1-4) found here as well as completing the application form (Section 5) for the pathway the candidate chooses as the most appropriate. (see above and chose one pathway) These 2 forms, together with the requested support material and the application fee ($300 USD) must be received by the BCCA prior to on the application deadline date.
Regardless of educational pathway, all candidates are required to submit a Portfolio of Clinical Cases Requirements:to document 18 different clinical cases to demonstrate direct patient contact while providing anaplastology services. The 18 cases may include cases done as a student or trainee.
For more information see the document Application For Eligibility