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Training in Clinical Anaplastology at Bethesda

Training in Anaplastology

Active enlisted members serving in the United States military have access to training in anaplastology through the Naval Post graduate Dental school, Bethesda, MD. This training is done at the Dental Laboratory Maxillofacial "C"School and prepares candidates to become Board Certified in Clinical Anaplastology through the BCCA’s Pathway 1: Anaplastology Educational Program with a clinical component.




This program teaches the knowledge and skills required to fabricate maxillofacial prosthetic devices and to assist the dental officer in maxillofacial prosthetic treatment procedures. The courses include instructions in the handling of prosthodontic materials and equipment as well as special materials and equipment for making extra-oral facial prostheses.  The student will be exposed to fabrication techniques for surgical splints and stents, and somato prostheses, facial prostheses, cranial implants, soft tissue implants, maxillary obturators for acquired and congenital defects, speech bulbs, mandibulectomy prostheses, burn splints and prostheses for patients exposed to radiation therapy.


More information about the Navy Post Dental Laboratory Maxillofacial "C" School can be found on their website.  A download of the full curriculum can be found here.

Application Requirements for Certification in Clinical Anaplastology 


The Naval Post graduate training in clinical anaplastology is limited to dental technicians (DT-8765) in pay grades E5 and E6 who have a minimum of 2 years in paygrade E5 and E6 and 3 years experience since graduating. 


Applications can be submitted to the Bureau of Naval Personnel (PERS-407C) on the Enlisted Transfer and Special Duty Request, NAVPERS 1306/7 in accordance with TRANSMAN Chapter 7.

The Working Life of Anaplastology in the USA Navy

Mr. Robinson is a consultant to dentists regarding difficult design and construction problems. He fabricates complex dental intra and extra-oral appliances in support of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons, Periodontist, Maxillofacial Prosthodontist, Prosthodontist, Pedodontist, and general dentists. When difficult patient management problems exist clinically; he is consulted to aid with difficult design, path of insertion, problematic occlusal intra-oral prostheses, or to give assistance with difficult color and form matching for intricate fixed or removable appliances.


Mr. Robinson provides classroom instructions and laboratory hands-on training exercises to dentist and dental laboratory technicians and evaluates the effectiveness of laboratory and clinical practices by observation of work performance, written and oral examinations, and comparison with current to past operational data. In addition to the above, Mr. Robinson designs and constructs teaching models of various dental appliances for use in the illustration of the principles involved in constructing the appliances and the ways in which appliance design affects function and aesthetics.


Training at Bethesda

If you are in the USA Navy and have questions on the training or the application for Certification on Clinical Anaplastology please contact us.

Mr. Robert Robinson is a Clinical Anaplastologist/Dental Maxillofacial Prosthetist for Langley Air Force Base 633rd Dental Squadron, 633rd Medical Group, 633rd Air Combat Command Hampton, VA. where he provides consultation to dentists and patients regarding difficult design and/or construction problems for oral and facial prosthetic appliances. He treats active duty service members, their dependents and retired service members affliction with deformities caused by congenital defects, cancer and/or trauma. Robert fabricates a full range of conventional and nonconventional appliances such as but not limited to single/multiple unit crowns, bridges, implants, custom abutment, acrylics stints, removable and fixed prostheses, ocular, nasal, auricular, facial, orbital, and cranial.

©2020 Board For Certification in Clinical Anaplastology 
6708 Senecca Lane, Sykesville, MD 21784

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